
John F Whims (Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by course)

John F Whims - All Courses

Average Grade - 2.913
Median Grade - 3.5
2717 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

John F Whims - Overview

Course Number Grade Info Latest Grade Data
ABM 427 Average Grade - 3.039
Median Grade - 3.0
Fall 2014
ABM 100 Average Grade - 2.677
Median Grade - 3.0
Summer 2021
ABM 130 Average Grade - 2.723
Median Grade - 3.0
Summer 2021
ABM 225 Average Grade - 2.654
Median Grade - 3.0
Fall 2020
AFRE 100 Average Grade - 3.404
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2023
AFRE 232 Average Grade - 3.062
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2023
AFRE 130 Average Grade - 2.987
Median Grade - 3.5
Spring 2024

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ABM 100 - Decision-making in the Agri-Food System

Organization and operation of the agri-food system. Economic analysis of agri-food firms and consumers. Management functions and decision-making of agri-food firms.

Average Grade - 2.677
Median Grade - 3.0
804 total students

Latest grades from Summer 2021

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ABM 130 - Farm Management I

General farm management including record keeping, income tax management, farm finance, and operational management of agricultural resources.

Average Grade - 2.723
Median Grade - 3.0
470 total students

Latest grades from Summer 2021

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ABM 225 - Commodity Marketing I

Commodity markets in the agri-food system. Analysis of supply, demand, and pricing alternatives. Agri-food marketing processes, including marketing cooperatives.

Average Grade - 2.654
Median Grade - 3.0
254 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2020

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ABM 427 - Global Agri-Food Industries and Markets

Strategic understanding of the international agri-food system. Analysis of global production, marketing, and consumption. Knowledge of changing conditions in international industries and markets. Global trends and opportunities.

Average Grade - 3.039
Median Grade - 3.0
114 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2014

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AFRE 100 - Decision-making in the Agri-Food System

Organization and operation of the agri-food system. Economic analysis of agri-food firms and consumers. Management functions and decision-making of agri-food firms.

Average Grade - 3.404
Median Grade - 3.5
509 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2023

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AFRE 130 - Farm Management I

General farm management including record keeping, income tax management, farm finance, and operational management of agricultural resources.

Average Grade - 2.987
Median Grade - 3.5
318 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

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AFRE 232 - Commodity Marketing I

Commodity markets in the agri-food system. Analysis of supply, demand, and pricing alternatives. Agri-food marketing processes, including marketing cooperatives.

Average Grade - 3.062
Median Grade - 3.5
248 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2023

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