TE 502 taught by Samantha Caughlan (Course & Instructor) - Grade Details
(with breakdown by semester)
Course Title: Internship in Teaching Diverse Learners II
Course Description: Continuing internship in heterogeneous classrooms at selected schools. Increased emphasis on independent teaching. Maintaining classroom communities that ensure equitable access to important knowledge and skills. Assessing academic and social outcomes.
TE 502 / Samantha Caughlan - All Semesters
Latest grades from Spring 2018
TE 502 / Samantha Caughlan - Overview
Semester | Grade Info | Number of Students |
Spring 2012 | Non-numeric grade system used. Grade Count: 402 |
402 |
Spring 2013 | Non-numeric grade system used. Grade Count: 403 |
403 |
Spring 2014 | Non-numeric grade system used. Grade Count: 351 |
351 |
Spring 2018 | Non-numeric grade system used. Grade Count: 16 |
16 |