
John J LaPres (Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by course)

John J LaPres - All Courses

Average Grade - 3.198
Median Grade - 3.5
3048 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

John J LaPres - Overview

Course Number Grade Info Latest Grade Data
BMB 101 Average Grade - 2.863
Median Grade - 3.0
Fall 2015
BMB 514 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 1327
Fall 2015
PHM 816 Average Grade - 3.567
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2011
BMB 961 Average Grade - 3.906
Median Grade - 4.0
Fall 2020
BMS 800 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 741
Spring 2024
BMB 495 Average Grade - 3.270
Median Grade - 3.5
Spring 2022

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BMB 101 - Frontiers in Biochemistry

Introduction to topics in biochemistry, career paths, professional development, and campus resources.

Average Grade - 2.863
Median Grade - 3.0
353 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2015

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BMB 495 - Undergraduate Seminar (W)

Extension and synthesis of concepts of biochemistry. Relationships to societal issues.

Average Grade - 3.270
Median Grade - 3.5
506 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2022

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BMB 514 - Medical Biochemistry

Basic biochemical principles and terminology; metabolism and function of biomolecules of importance in medical biology and human pathophysiology.

1327 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2015

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BMB 961 - Selected Topics in Biochemistry II

Selected topics in biochemistry with faculty lectures, laboratory, or other instruction.

Average Grade - 3.906
Median Grade - 4.0
106 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2020

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BMS 800 - BioMolecular Sciences Research Forum

Exposure to ongoing research projects.

741 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

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PHM 816 - Integrative Toxicology: Mechanisms, Pathology and Regulation

Biochemical, molecular, and physiological mechanisms of toxicology. Functional and pathological responses of major organ systems to chemical insult. Mechanisms of mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and reproductive toxicology. Concepts in risk and safety assessment.

Average Grade - 3.567
Median Grade - 3.5
15 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2011

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