
Heather L Eisthen (Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by course)

Heather L Eisthen - All Courses

Average Grade - 2.979
Median Grade - 3.0
943 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

Heather L Eisthen - Overview

Course Number Grade Info Latest Grade Data
ZOL 402 Average Grade - 2.720
Median Grade - 3.0
Spring 2015
ZOL 405 Average Grade - 3.073
Median Grade - 3.5
Spring 2016
IBIO 405 Average Grade - 3.120
Median Grade - 3.5
Spring 2024

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IBIO 405 - Neural Basis of Animal Behavior

Structure and function of neurons and neural circuits underlying naturally-occurring animal behaviors.

Average Grade - 3.120
Median Grade - 3.5
576 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

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ZOL 402 - Neurobiology

Structure and function of nerve cells and nervous systems.

Average Grade - 2.720
Median Grade - 3.0
312 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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ZOL 405 - Neural Basis of Animal Behavior

Structure and function of neurons and neural circuits underlying naturally-occurring animal behaviors.

Average Grade - 3.073
Median Grade - 3.5
55 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2016

See detailed grade info for this course
