
Charles Titus Brown (Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by course)

Charles Titus Brown - All Courses

Average Grade - 3.580
Median Grade - 4.0
295 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2014

Charles Titus Brown - Overview

Course Number Grade Info Latest Grade Data
BMB 961 Average Grade - 3.720
Median Grade - 4.0
Fall 2012
CSE 801 Average Grade - 3.912
Median Grade - 4.0
Fall 2013
CSE 491 Average Grade - 3.543
Median Grade - 4.0
Spring 2014

Back to Overview for Charles Titus Brown

BMB 961 - Selected Topics in Biochemistry II

Selected topics in biochemistry with faculty lectures, laboratory, or other instruction.

Average Grade - 3.720
Median Grade - 4.0
25 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2012

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Back to Overview for Charles Titus Brown

CSE 491 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

Topics selected to supplement and enrich existing courses and lead to the development of new courses.

Average Grade - 3.543
Median Grade - 4.0
253 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2014

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CSE 801 - Introduction to Computational Science for Evolutionary Biologists

Introductory and intermediate programming and scripting for data analysis and modeling. Algorithmic considerations. Scientific controls, workflows, and reproducibility.

Average Grade - 3.912
Median Grade - 4.0
17 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

See detailed grade info for this course
