
KIN 171 taught by Nathaniel James Colon (Course & Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by semester)

Course Title: Athletics in Higher Education

Course Description: Philosophy and organization of athletics. Athletics and academic achievement. Ethical issues, legal issues, social conduct, eligibility, athlete's rights and responsibilities.

KIN 171 / Nathaniel James Colon - All Semesters

461 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2014

KIN 171 / Nathaniel James Colon - Overview

Semester Grade Info
Fall 2011 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 120
Fall 2012 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 128
Fall 2013 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 97
Fall 2014 Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 116
