
GEN 999 (Course) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by instructor)

Course Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research

Course Description: Doctoral dissertation research.

GEN 999 - All Instructors

484 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2024

GEN 999 - Overview

Instructor Grade Info Latest Grade Data
Norbert E Kaminski Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 172
Spring 2015
Brian C Schutte Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Christina Chan Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Cindy K Miranti Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Claire Vieille Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
David N Arnosti Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Gregg A Howe Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Hans H Cheng Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Hongbing Wang Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Ian M Dworkin Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Jeffrey P MacKeigan Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Julia V Busik Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 51
Spring 2015
Kefei Yu Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Keith Lookingland Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 111
Spring 2015
Laura R McCabe Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Michael Thomashow Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 64
Fall 2013
Michael Weinreich Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 29
Fall 2013
Monique Floer Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Robert A Britton Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 29
Fall 2013
Shinhan Shiu Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
Simon M Petersen-Jones Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 86
Spring 2015
John L Goudreau Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 82
Spring 2015
Catherine W Ernst Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 132
Spring 2019
Barbara Sears Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 31
Spring 2012
Brian Haab Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 35
Spring 2013
Eran Robert Andrechek Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 35
Spring 2013
Jianping Hu Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 57
Spring 2015
Michele M Fluck Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 57
Spring 2015
William D Atchison Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 35
Spring 2013
Alfred J Robison Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 22
Spring 2015
Daniel C Ducat Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 22
Spring 2015
Keith E Latham Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 22
Spring 2015

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Alfred J Robison

22 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Barbara Sears

31 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2012

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Brian C Schutte

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Brian Haab

35 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2013

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Catherine W Ernst

132 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2019

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Christina Chan

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Cindy K Miranti

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Claire Vieille

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Daniel C Ducat

22 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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David N Arnosti

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Eran Robert Andrechek

35 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2013

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Gregg A Howe

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Hans H Cheng

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Hongbing Wang

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Ian M Dworkin

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Jeffrey P MacKeigan

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Jianping Hu

57 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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John L Goudreau

82 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Julia V Busik

51 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Kefei Yu

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Keith E Latham

22 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Keith Lookingland

111 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Laura R McCabe

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Michael Thomashow

64 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Michael Weinreich

29 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Michele M Fluck

57 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Monique Floer

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Norbert E Kaminski

172 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Robert A Britton

29 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2013

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Shinhan Shiu

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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Simon M Petersen-Jones

86 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2015

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William D Atchison

35 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2013

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