
BMB 829 taught by Kevin L Childs (Course & Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by semester)

Course Title: Special Problems in Macromolecular Analysis and Synthesis

Course Description: Techniques of isolation and characterization of macromolecules. Topics may vary.

BMB 829 / Kevin L Childs - All Semesters

Average Grade - 3.568
Median Grade - 3.5
22 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2018

BMB 829 / Kevin L Childs - Overview

Semester Grade Info
Fall 2017 Average Grade - 3.545
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2018 Average Grade - 3.591
Median Grade - 4.0

Back to Overview for BMB 829 / Kevin L Childs

Fall 2018

Average Grade - 3.591
Median Grade - 4.0
11 total students

Back to Overview for BMB 829 / Kevin L Childs

Fall 2017

Average Grade - 3.545
Median Grade - 3.5
11 total students
