
BMB 479 (Course) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by instructor)

Course Title: Special Topics in Biochemistry II

Course Description: Special topics in biochemistry and molecular biology

BMB 479 - All Instructors

44 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2021

BMB 479 - Overview

Instructor Grade Info Latest Grade Data
Allan David TerBush Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 44
Spring 2021
Min Hao Kuo Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 44
Spring 2021
R Michael Garavito Non-numeric grade system used.
Grade Count: 44
Spring 2021

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Allan David TerBush

44 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2021

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Back to Overview for BMB 479

Min Hao Kuo

44 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2021

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Back to Overview for BMB 479

R Michael Garavito

44 total students

Latest grades from Spring 2021

See detailed grade info for this instructor
