
AL 494 (Course) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by instructor)

Course Title: Museum Exhibitions: Theory and Development

Course Description: Theoretical and practical approaches to the planning, design, development, installation, and evaluation of museum exhibitions.

This is an interdepartmental course. Equivalent Courses: HA 494 & ANP 494

AL 494 - All Instructors

Average Grade - 3.392
Median Grade - 3.5
102 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2016

AL 494 - Overview

Instructor Grade Info Latest Grade Data
Eugene W Dillenburg Average Grade - 3.296
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2014
Teresa Goforth Average Grade - 3.392
Median Grade - 3.5
Fall 2016

Back to Overview for AL 494

Eugene W Dillenburg

Average Grade - 3.296
Median Grade - 3.5
54 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2014

See detailed grade info for this instructor

Back to Overview for AL 494

Teresa Goforth

Average Grade - 3.392
Median Grade - 3.5
102 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2016

See detailed grade info for this instructor
