
AL 444 taught by Christina Boyles (Course & Instructor) - Grade Details

(with breakdown by semester)

Course Title: Prototyping Experience Architecture

Course Description: Process models used in the planning and designing of interactive experiences. Organization of information, user interactions, visual design attributes, prototyping methods, and interface design.

AL 444 / Christina Boyles - All Semesters

Average Grade - 3.351
Median Grade - 3.5
37 total students

Latest grades from Fall 2019

AL 444 / Christina Boyles - Overview

Semester Grade Info
Fall 2019 Average Grade - 3.389
Median Grade - 3.5
Spring 2019 Average Grade - 3.316
Median Grade - 3.5

Back to Overview for AL 444 / Christina Boyles

Fall 2019

Average Grade - 3.389
Median Grade - 3.5
18 total students

Back to Overview for AL 444 / Christina Boyles

Spring 2019

Average Grade - 3.316
Median Grade - 3.5
19 total students
